Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Happy birthday to...................... ME :)

Helo. its Tuesday :) . and now is june 28th 2011. and you know what ? its my day, i mean my birthday ;)
so many people , open my profile on facebook. and wrote 'happy birthday ' :). banyak fans guee (?)
uhm , chocolates :d

well, i found his name on my profile, and he said to me 'happy birthday' !! ohh , how lucky am i ? :p
haha, forget it. aku sih awal-awalnya jingkrak2 , trus dance kaya org gila--' but, remember. gue gak mau terlalu berharap ! titik! -,-

aku . sangat bersyukur banget, Allah  udah ngasih nafas ke aku sampe 13 thn. ya. kalo menurut gue sih 13 thn itu gak lama. tapi tetep harus bersyukur ! :)

berarti tandanya umurku sudah dikurangi 13 tahun dong ?

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